voting procedure

The Erarta Prize was founded as the first ever contemporary art prize awarded through a public vote rather than by a closed board of experts.
The nominees’ exhibition was on display from 9 February through 9 June 2024 at Erarta’s Grand Hall and showcased 40 creations by our contemporaries selected by the museum out of the entire pool of works submitted by the contesting artists. The voting took place in three rounds:
At the close of the first voting round on 17 March, 15 nominated artists with fewer votes were determined. They were ranked from 40th to 26th and received a guaranteed reward of 50,000 rubles each.
The second round lasted from 18 March through 25 April. 15 artists with the least votes dropped out of the competition for the Grand Prix, ranking from 25th to 11th and receiving 75,000 rubles each. Of the 25 artworks, 10 qualified for the third voting round.
The third round continued from 26 April through 5 June. The artists ultimately ranking from 10th to 6th won 100,000 rubles each; the top five artists received 125,000 rubles for the 5th place, 150,000 rubles for the 4th, 175,000 rubles for the 3rd, 200,000 rubles for the 2nd, and the Grand Prix of 500,000 rubles for the 1st place respectively.
All holders of valid Erarta Museum Tickets and Memberships who were not be able to travel to St. Petersburg during the period of the 2024 Erarta Prize exhibition had the option to vote in absentia: in each of the three voting rounds, they could cast one vote in favour of the artwork of their choice.
The artists’ exact ranking was determined by the number of votes received by each particular artwork. For each subsequent voting round, the number of votes was reset to zero and the voting started over. The voting procedure was fair and transparent. The number of viewer votes given to each artwork was displayed on a special screens installed in the exhibition space and could be tracked in real time. Erarta had no power whatsoever to interfere with the voting results which can be verified by any questioning parties after the close of the exhibition.