• театр без актеров

    Theatre with No Actors

floor 2, Museum Wing
13:00 and 20:30

Theatrical plays without actors , instead featuring characters of paintings represent Erarta’s unique offering in the genre of multimedia. The plays showcase the drama of art, and plots, which lie at their root, are either developed or hidden within paintings. The characters are brought to life with voices, accompanied by music and further enhanced with special graphics, lighting and sound effects. This makes normally static images fully fledged participants of the surrounding drama and immerses the viewer into the world created by the artist.

The multimedia play "Incapability of flight" is staged in the personal hall of Saint Petersburg artist Elena Figurina in the Erarta Museum. The characters of her paintings — the heroes and villains of the play — debate life’s eternal questions and argue in favour of various ideologies. The play runs for 30 minutes in English and has a maximum audience capacity of 20 people. Tickets can be ordered for a private performance at any convenient time. The script of the play has been published as a book.
