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Erarta Events. Reload

08 December 2014

For the last four years Erarta has held a vast number of various exhibitions and events. And now it's time to reload!

Attentively following all the news in contemporary theater, music, and cinema, we always tried to keep our audience updated. Sometimes we were so active that hosted several events in one day.

In total for the last four years we’ve arranged more than a thousand events: from classical and jazz concerts to electronic and visual experiments; from avant-garde theater to psychological drama; from scientific lectures to poetry competitions. The range of our and your interests was extremely wide. And even though we always tried to maintain our unique style and follow the museum context, our primary concern was to try, to experiment, to fumble for the right events within the museum space.

And now, after four years of tryouts, mistakes and successes, we’ve finally formed our own vision of what should happen on Erarta stage.

We announce RELOAD of Erarta events program.

Starting from the beginning of next year we will present you a brand new program. A program, which will combine the most interesting, advanced, and accurate examples of contemporary performing arts.

We will reduce the amount of events, but we will definitely maximize their emotional and aesthetic quality, making each project your personal adventure.

Year 2015 in Erarta is going to be very interesting. Stay informed!

For more details click here.

Erarta. Museum and galleries of contemporary art