Erarta Museum begins preparations for the third international festival of short films about painting Erarta MOTION PICTURES.
Erarta MOTION PICTURES featival is Erarta’s original project, which is unparalleled in the world. The festival is focused on the films from around the world dedicated to art, artists, art institutions, general and particular issues related to the visual arts.
Particular attention is paid to those cinematographic works where painting transmits the main idea and serves the main media. Painting and cinema have very close, almost relative connection. In fact, painting can be fairly considered the progenitor of cinema, since visibility makes the essence of both art forms. But cinema has the ability to put pictures in motion and to discover new ways of interaction and cross-fertilization of these adjacent areas of culture.
Cinema has grown out of painting and took over its experience, traditions and skills. Now after it has matured, it is ready to pay the debts to the predecessor.
By exploring in cinema a new visual dominant, festival Erarta MOTION PICTURES is ready to show the audience that cinema now can be considered painting of contemporary times, upgraded technically and philosophically. Painting that was set in motion.
The festival will run from 25 to 29 March, 2015.
Applications for participation are accepted from 1 October, 2014. For more details, please visit official website of the project