The "Impakt" Festival presents critical and creative views on contemporary media culture and promotes innovative audiovisual arts in an interdisciplinary context. For the ▲CROSS ART Festival Dutch artists Tijmen Zonnevijlle and Bas Vermolen (a.k.a. Arts the Beatdoctor) teamed up to create "Moebius Travel Machine" — an accessible interactive audiovisual installation where the audience itself plays an active role
The installation is equipped with a console with which the audience can control both the beats of Arts the Beatdoctor and the accompanying light show. For a brief moment the audience can experience what it is to be a “live rocking musician”. “Tijmenrockt” who has years of experience in developing indestructible interactive art installations, combined his skills with the crispy clear producer skills of “Arts the Beatdoctor”. The result is a combination of the ‘live setup’ of “Art the Beatdoctor” and the industrial control units of “Tijmenrockt”: Discover “Moebius’ Travel Machine”… and have a good trip!
Tijmen Zonnevijlle stands out from the crowd with a signature style that is a blend of old industrial machinery and cutting edge digital technology. His research into new forms of interactivity is always approached with a rock ‘n roll attitude.
Bas Vermolen a.k.a. “Arts The Beatdoctor” is a producer from the Netherlands who crushes electronic synths with organic field recordings. The result is a raw, knob-twisting mixture in the vein of his contemporaries Flying Lotus, Bonobo and Dorian Concept.