“The Fourth Dimension. Animation as a fine art: from classical to abstract”
31 October 2014 —  1 December 2014
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On October 31 Erarta opened an exhibition of video installations “The Fourth Dimension. Animation as a fine art: from classical to abstract” under the XII International “Multivision” Festival of Animation Arts


The exhibition “The Fourth Dimension” features animation and video art not as separate genres, but as another way of exploring the world. Animation as an art form, extended in time, has a wide range of expressive means — both classical and experimental, — that allow the artist to express himself and his personal view of the world.

Animation expands the opportunities of fine art by giving it the fourth dimension — the dimension of time and subjective experience. The viewer sees the art object not only as a thing in itself, but has the ability to look at it with the eyes of the artist, in its “a priori form of contemplation of phenomena” (Immanuel Kant’s definition of time).

“Multivision” festival continues to study animation as an art form and for the fourth time announces the nomination of “Best video installation”. This year sixteen works by video artists from all around the world have passed the competitive selection and now can be seen in Erarta.

The exhibition “The Fourth Dimension” explores relationships between artistic language of painting and graphic and the language of moving images and animation. The vector of the exhibition points from the contemplative to the concrete, from the abstract animations on John Cage’s and Steve Reich’s minimalistic music (“I am!”, Mark Chung, Singapore; “Light Motif, Frédéric Bonpapa, France), to the classical traditions (“Beauty”, Reno Stefano Talyaferro, Italy) and modernist destruction (“Portrait”, Donato Sansone, Italy); from the works remaining  on the screen surface (“Jatub”, Daniel Mosher, Germany; “Sisters”, Lea Vidakovic, Belgium) to the works moving from the digital world to the real exhibition hall in the form of sculpture or painting (“Girl — insectoid of AVS-13 class, in the search for the better”, Andrei Sikorski, Russia; “Venus’s Selfie”, Fat CatArt, Russia).

What is beauty? What does the contemporary art correlate with the classics? How can moving images enrich the art language? The answers to all these and other questions can be found at the  exhibition at Erarta.

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