This creative competition is a part of the educational project of the Saint Petersburg energy companies. The aim of this competition is to develop a reasonable and careful attitude to the energy consumption. There are about 900 paintings and graphic works of young artists aged between 4 and 18 years old.
For two months pupils of kindergartens, secondary schools and art schools from Saint Petersburg, Leningrad region, Petrozavodsk, Sortavala, Kem, Apatity, Novorossiysk, Kaliningrad and other cities shared their ideas about energy consumption. There are not only individuals, but also creative groups among the participants. Some children took part in the competition together with their brothers, sisters, parents and teachers. Also there are drawings of children with disabilities and students from the children's communities.
The collection of works consists of artworks created in different author's styles and techniques. But the main aim for the artists from Saint Petersburg, Petrozavodsk, Kaliningrad and other cities was an interest in efficient energy use. The candidates are willing to save the resources that our nature gives to us and consume energy, electricity, water and gas wisely.