"Inventing Reality". Films selection by Sergio Oxman specially for the festival "Erarta MOTION PICTURES III"
27 March 2015, Friday 03:00
On March 27 the director Sergio Oxman will present his special film selection "Inventing Reality".
Six films by six directors. An attempt to re-create reality out of life fragments and stories, revealing human fears and memory ghosts.
"Borders: from the first-person", dir. Elias Leon Siminiani, 8''
"Oma", dir. Michael Varmann, 22''
"Island of Flowers", dir. Jorge Furtado, 12""
"The Marina Experiment", dir. Marina Lutz, 18"
"Even If She Had Been a Criminal", dir. Jean-Gabriel Périot, 9"
"Notes about the other" Sergio Oxman, 13"