Peter Theremin. “From classics to experiments”. Concert
17 August 2015, Monday 03:00
  • Слайдер для Peter Theremin. “From classics to experiments”. Concert
Erarta Stage

August 17 Erarta Stage audience will listen to Glinka and Tchaikovsky music pieces, as well as jazz and electronic compositions performed on theremin, accompanied with piano, guttural singing and khomus.

  • Peter Theremin

  • Erwin Alekseev

  • Margarita Vaganova


The first part of the concert will feature classical and jazz music — Tchaikovsky, Glinka, Rachmaninoff, Le Phare, De Falla and others. Peter Theremin will play theremin accompanied by Margarita Vaganova (piano). In the second part, the audience will immerse into a unique cosmic sound space of electronics, mandolin, Leap Motion Controller and theremin (featuring Erwin Alekseev (khomus, guttural singing), St. Petersburg).

Theremin is the world's only musical instrument which is played by movements of hands in the air, without any physical contacts with the instrument. It was invented by Léon Theremin in 1919 in St. Petersburg.


* On the day of the event tickets can be purchased only at the ticket office of Erarta museum. Online tickets sale to Peter Theremin concert “From classics to experiments” stops on 16.08.2015.

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